International Federation of Automatic Control
20th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace - ACA 2016
21-25 August, 2016, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada

Plenary Sessions

Best Student Papers Award

Congratulations to the winners and all students who participated.
See winners in page Best Student Paper Award.


The programme is avalaible in page
Technical & Social Programme.


Welcome Reception21.08.2016
Mayor's Reception22.08.2016
Technical tours24.08.2016
Industrial visits24.08.2016
Foresta Lumina23.08.2016 & 24.08.2016
Best Student Paper Award25.08.2016
Closing Ceremony25.08.2016
Farewell Banquet25.08.2016


IFAC          NGC

Plenary Sessions

The ACA 2016 programme will include a variety of plenary sessions with well-known experts covering a huge range of topics:

Andrea Accomazzo (Germany)
Spacecraft Operations Manager
Division European Space Operations Centre (ESOC), ESA
Darmstadt, Germany
Subject: Navigation Challenges of the Rosetta Mission: How and Why We Orbited and Landed on a Comet
Sponsored by: Sherbrooke Innopole

Dr. Mark J. Balas (USA)
Distinguished Faculty
Aerospace Engineering Department &
Electrical Engineering Department
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Florida, USA
Subject: Adaptive Control of Infinite Dimensional Quantum Information Systems

Prof. Dr.techn. Klaus Janschek (Germany)
Chair of Automation Engineering
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Subject: Model-based GNC Systems Design for Dependable Aerospace Vehicles

Prof. Jean de Lafontaine (Canada)
President NGC Aerospace
Professor Université de Sherbrooke
Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
Subject: The Space Autonomy Innovations on the PROBA Satellites
Sponsored by: Airbus Defence & Space

Miguel San Martin (USA)
Chief Engineer for the Guidance and Control Section
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Los Angeles, USA
Subject: From the Sojourner to the Curiosity Rover: The Guidance, Navigation, and Control Challenges of Landing on Mars
Sponsored by: RBC Royal Bank/RBC Banque Royale

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